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Baltic Model United Nations 2022 - Having fun and making a change at the same time

Erstellt von Xi Wang, Lulia Haidar and Pascal Kanngießer (Q1)  |     

The honourable delegates of Ireland and Canada would like to tell you abouttheir experiences at BALMUN (Baltic Model United Nations). On Thursday, 19 May 2022, 19 students of the English project course and the IB Diploma Programme course headed towards Rostock to take part in debates aiming at negotiating “new policies and navigating networks to diminish discrimination”.

BALMUN offers an opportunity for students interested in politics and debating to showcase and practice their skills in a simulation of the United Nations’ conferences. Every student represents a delegate from a specific country within an assigned committee, such as the two General Assemblies (Social, Humanitarian & Cultural; Special Political & Decolonization), the Environment Assembly, the Economic and Social Council, the World Health Organization and the Security Council. Canada, the USA, Ireland, Saudi Arabia and Gabon were assigned to the Paulinum.

Over the course of three days we debated on whether historical artefacts should be returned to the colonised country, how to reduce racial and gender inequality, the exploitation of workers and a lot more. Being a little intimidated by the distinguished delegates speaking in a very formal manner, we were able to quickly adapt to the scenario and very supportive and nice chairs and fellow delegates helped us feel comfortable and welcome to participate. Well balanced committees consisting of deputants and experienced delegates allowed productive and fruitful debates and enabled us to see matters from different points of view and thus widen our horizons.

The debates, even though being strictly regulated, turned out to be a lot of fun and were actually not as serious as feared. Suddenly we found ourselves passing resolutions violating the UN Charter and questionable amendments such as deporting all Christians to the Vatican. Through the so called „gossip box“, in which latest rumours about our honourable delegates were shared, a pleasant, merry and relaxed atmosphere was established.

Inspired by meaningful guest talks given by important figures such as Reem Alabali-Radovan, Minister of State to the Federal Chancellor, and the Ambassador to the Northern German States, Darion Akins, we gained awareness on how to diminish discrimination.

Not only did we explore the beautiful city of Rostock, we also met many people from all over the place such as Berlin, Prague and even Turkey. Especially at the BALMUN dance, which took place on Saturday evening, we had the chance to get to know the delegates even better while we enjoyed the music performed by the school band.

All in all, we had a really fun and educational trip. The conference showed us that we as the younger generation can use our voice in order to generate a significant change and make the world a better and safer place for all of us. Thus, BALMUN certainly is an experience none of us will forget soon.

Finally, we would like to thank the Innerstädtisches Gymnasium Rostock for hosting this extraordinary event and we would also like to thank our teachers for taking the time to prepare us for this joyous experience and see it through, while making sure we were well taken care of.
